Mathematics is seen by many people as the best way to get a good life and a good career. It is also thought as an assistant to understand life and the world and to produce ideas about them. Therefore, new reform studies are being held to construct a new system that assists students to learn mathematics in a comprehensive way (Dursun & Dede, 2004). The importance of mathematics lessons and how to teach mathematics are increasing because of its potential to develop scientific thinking in accordance with the contemporary conditions and to implement these abilities into students’ daily life (Yildiz & Uyanik, 2004). Despite these studies, most of the students perceive mathematics as a difficult lesson and get low grades from mathematics tests. Therefore, the impediments in the mathematics learning process have been seen necessary. The aim of this research is to take the students’ opinions about the impediments while learning mathematics. The questionnaire prepared by researchers was given to 8th grade students. In the questionnaire, questions about mathematics lessons, mathematics teachers and mathematics learning process were asked to the students. The questions were edited by the experts’ opinions. The impediments in the mathematics learning process were determined with regard to the students’ opinions. The results will be presented and based on these results, some recommendations will be given.
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