Bambang Wijo Seno, E. Y. Fhadly Rachma Akbar, Briliyantsyah Dwi Sudayana Bhadra


Sexual harassment of women is a case that happens from time to time. Women will experience fear, anxiety, concern for sexual harassment, especially women who work as waitress serving guests. Supervisor's social support is needed so that anxiety is not bad for waitress jobs. So the purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there is a relationship between leadership social support and anxiety about sexual harassment of maids in Semarang City. The population in this study was a female waitress totalling 42 people who worked in karaoke rooms and Semarang. This study uses a population study. The methods of data collection used were psychological scales: Anxiety Scale of the Sexual Harassment and Social Support Scale Tops. Anxiety Scale of the Sexual Harassment consists of 19 items (α = 0.846) and the Social Support Scale Tops 40 items (α = 0.960). Data analysis was conducted using simple regression analysis version. The results showed a correlation coefficient rxy = -0.601 with p = 0.000 (p <0.01) which means that there is a significant negative the relationship between supervisors and social support on anxiety about sexual harassment of servants in the city of Semarang. The supervisor's social support gave an effective contribution of 36.2% to the fear of sexual harassment. A percentage of 63.8% is influenced by other factors.

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anxiety about sexual harassment, social support supervisor, waiters and karaoke lounge

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