Kodack O. Masita, Tom M. Kabage, Kennedy O. Nyariki, Anne W. Muiru


Education for the girl child among pastoralist groups still faces a large challenge in public primary schools despite the big enrollment in public primary schools following the launch of Free Primary Education in Kenya more than a decade ago. It has been cited that the academic performance of the girl child in public primary schools in Turkana County is generally low. The study sought to evaluate challenges affecting girl child on academic performance on Kenya Certificate of Primary Education at Turkwel Zone in Turkana. The study objective was: analyzing school physical facilities that influence on girls’ educational performance. The study was guided by Gender Relations Theory. Descriptive study design was used to recognize the objectives. The target population was all eighteen public primary schools inside the area, 268 magnificence eight girls, 270 Members of school BOM and eighty-two teachers. Research tools were questionnaires for head teachers, teachers and interview guides for Members of school BOM. Quantitative data were collected from the respondents had been cleaned and coded consistent with the various variables and prepared for computer evaluation the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). This was presented using tables and charts. Piloting was undertaken to check and enhance gadgets validity and reliability. The study established from the respondents comprising 62.3% that physical facilities stimulated the performance of the girl child to a tremendous amount. The study concluded that there was a tremendous relationship amongst school physical facilities and girl child academic overall performance. It was concluded that extra than 50% of girls in public primary schools at Turkwel Zone in Loima Sub-County did not have good enough sanitation centers to make certain that girls do now not leave out school which in turn affects their overall performance. The study concluded that teachers’ mindset closer to girls’ impacts girls’ educational overall performance. It was concluded that girls failed in subjects that teachers had a negative attitude towards them. It was additionally concluded that the constant provision of sanitary towels in primary schools has expanded well-known school attendance and girls’ academic performance. The study recommends that similar studies be carried out with a large population than the only included on this study in other Sub-counties of Turkana.

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girl-child, physical facilities, challenges, educational performance

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Copyright (c) 2021 Kodack O. Masita, Tom M. Kabage, Kennedy O. Nyariki, Anne W. Muiru

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