Oluwasegun Matthew Ojo, Olabode Thomas Owolabi


The study investigated the effects of predict-observe-explain instructional strategy on students’ performance and attitude towards Physics practical in secondary schools. The study adopted the quasi-experimental design of pre-test, post-test and control group. The sample for the study comprised 54 Senior Secondary two (SS II) Physics students who were randomly selected through multistage technique from two co-educational Senior Secondary Schools in Osun state, Nigeria. The schools were randomly selected to experimental and control group. The experimental group was exposed to predict-observe-explain instructional strategy while the control group was taught using conventional laboratory strategy. Physics Practical Test (PPT) and Physics Practical Attitude Scale (PPAS) were the two instruments used to collect relevant data for the study. The general questions raised for the study were answered using descriptive statistics. The hypotheses generated were analyzed using t-test. Decision was taken at 0.05 level of significance. The findings from the study showed that the treatment had positive effects on students’ performance and their attitude towards Physics practical. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that Physics teachers should make use of predict-observe-explain instructional strategy to improve students’ performance and cultivate their positive attitude towards Physics practical in secondary schools.


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predict-observe-explain, instructional strategy, performance, attitude, physics practical

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i2.3548


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