Victoria Osaruchi Sam-Kalagbor, Irochi Lazarus Ezeala


The study investigated the dynamics of organizational reward system and teaching staff morale in public senior secondary schools in Imo State. Three research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted correlation design. The population of the study was six thousand five hundred and sixty six (6566) teachers while a sample of three hundred and seventy seven (377) teachers was drawn through systematic random sampling technique. Two questionnaires titled: Dynamics of Organizational Reward System Questionnaire (DORSQ) and Teaching Staff Morale Questionnaire (TSMQ) were used for data collection. The reliability coefficient of improved work-life was 0.77 and recognition was 0.79 using Cronbach alpha. Simple regression was used to answer research question one and two and multiple regression was used to answer research question three. Similarly, t-test associated with simple regressions was used to test hypotheses one and two and ANOVA associated with multiple regressions was used to test hypothesis three. The finding among others is that improved work-life predicted teaching staff morale by 25.3%. The study contributed that dynamics of organizational reward system (improved work life and recognition) jointly predicted teaching staff morale by 50.2% in public senior secondary schools in Imo State, Nigeria.

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reward system, teaching staff morale, secondary schools, Imo state, Nigeria

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i2.3561


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