Cavide Demirci, Remzi Yılmaz


The skills such as information literacy, collaboration, problem solving and analyzing information are needed today, the importance of Web 2.0 applications becomes apparent. The research aims to determine the perception levels of teachers working in secondary schools about their competence to use Web 2.0 technologies. For the purpose, the main problem of the study was determined as “Investigation of Web 2.0 Rapid Content Development Self-Efficacy Perception Levels of Teachers Working in Secondary Schools”. In the research 155 secondary school teachers working in Eskişehir province in 2019-2020 academic years chosen as a study group. The research was carried out in accordance with the descriptive research method, which is one of the quantitative research models. In the study, Web 2.0 Rapid Content Development Self-Efficacy Perception Scale (W2SEB) was used to collect data from teachers. According to the findings, there was a significant difference between teachers' daily internet usage hours and Web 2.0 rapid content development self-efficacy perception levels. There was no difference between teachers' self-efficacy scores and occupational seniority. No difference was found between teachers' computer use experiences and self-efficacy scores. As a result of the research, a statistically significant difference is found between teachers' perceptions of Web 2.0 rapid content development self-efficacy and their status of making an eTwinning project. In order to improve their perception of Web 2.0 rapid content development self-efficacy teachers should be encouraged to participate in eTwinning projects more. It is necessary to explain the Web 2.0 tools to teachers in in-service trainings and to provide information containing practical examples of the educational use of these tools.

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Web 2.0, self-efficacy perception, eTwinning, secondary school teachers

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