Jiban Khadka


The optimal and efficient reward management system makes possible for workers to play a positive and productive role in an organization. Considering the motivation through reward management, this study aims to explore the perception of Nepali private schools' teachers of Kathmandu district towards their rewards. This study uses the phenomenological approach to describe the common meaning for a purposeful sample of four participant teachers on their lived experiences on reward management through semi-structured interview. From the analysis of evidences, the researcher generated the six themes about the reward management perceived by the teachers. The themes are interpreted based on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. From the perspectives of the participant teachers, the teachers necessarily believe on the financial and non-financial rewards as motivating factors. They are not motivated with the current reward management, for example, the schools provide on time-base rather than performance-base. Despite the teachers' demotivation, they expect positive changes in their schools in future.

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reward management, motivation, needs, teachers, private schools

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