Olubukola Joyce Olumıde, Abiodun Adekunle Bada


This paper examines achieving the new sustainable development goals, the role of scientific research in Nigerian universities. Development in any sector can only be achieved when challenges facing such sector are located and tackled. Sustainable development goals are birthed to address every problematic area of human life. Researches, especially scientific researches, fits into all these areas are medium through which solution can be preferred. This study examines the nature, classification, types and approaches of scientific research. It also laid bare the sustainable development goals, the importance and the roles scientific researches play in the achievement of the goals. Academics and professionals must know that education and research are explicitly recognized in all of the SDGs and that universities/tertiary institutions have a direct role in addressing the challenges therein. Higher education institutions (with academics and professionals on the driving seat) have a critical role to play in implementing and driving sustainable development initiatives through their institutional policies and practices. The government and non-governmental organisations needs to make good policy that will aimed at training and retraining of researchers to developed good and quality research skills in implementing the new sustainable development goals.

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scientific research, achieving, and sustainable development goals

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