Anolyce Omondi Nyanjom, John Meshack Onyango Yambo, Raphael Odhiambo Ongunya


Academic achievement of pupils’ in Kisumu County has not been encouraging coupled with disparities between the sub-counties. Purpose of the study was to establish the influence of teachers’ knowledge competency on pupils’ academic achievement. The study employed survey research design. The study was conceptualized on principles of high-quality teaching and learning. Study Population comprised 3290 teachers, 658 head teachers, 7 assurance officers and 7 directors. Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill table was used to select sample of 294 teachers and 203 head teachers. Study sample were selected by stratified, random and purposive sampling. Samples selected comprised 294 teachers, 203 head teachers, 7 assurance officers and 7 directors. Informed consent, confidentiality of respondents was observed and data collected at work place. All sources were cited to avoid plagiarism Data was collected using questionnaire, interview schedule and observation checklist. Validity was ensured by comprehensively including all the study variables after which they were presented for assessment to the specialists in Curriculum and Instruction in Kisii University. Reliability of the instruments was determined by test-retest method. Correlation coefficient of teachers’ questionnaire, Head teachers’ questionnaire, QASOs interview schedule, ADDTMs interview schedule and teachers’ observation checklist yielded 0.75, 0.71, 0.73, 0.74 and 0.77 respectively. Level of significance was set at 5%. Data was analyzed using quantitative and qualitative techniques. Quantitative data was sorted, coded and processed using SPSS version 20 to generate frequencies and percentages. Hypotheses were tested using Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlations and Multiple Linear Regressions to establish presence or absence of correlations and association. Qualitative data were sorted into themes and sub-themes, analyzed in an on-going process then reported in prose. Teaching skills and assessment competencies had statistically significant relationship with pupils’ academic achievement at (0.125), p-value (0.027) < 0.05 and (0.121), p-value (0.033) < 0.05 respectively. It was recommended that teachers’ competencies be enhanced through in-service courses; review tests and measurements in professional studies offered in colleges.

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teachers, knowledge, competency, academic, achievement, Kenya

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