Festus Sunday Smart Oloda


The research is aimed at finding out whether the multiple- choice mathematic items of Ondo State Joint Senior Secondary II Promotion Examination (OSJSSPE) administered in 2015 function differentially in terms of the location (rural and urban) of the examinees and also investigate if the examination is unidimensional with a view to improving the quality of test items in the examination. The study employed an ex-post facto research design. A sample of 3,135 examinees was selected from a population of 52,922 examinees who sat for the examination using multistage random sampling techniques. One research question was raised, and one hypothesis formulated and tested for significance at p<0.05 level. Results of the analyses revealed that the Ondo State Joint Senior Secondary II Promotion Examination multiple – choice mathematics items administered in 2015 was unidimensional. However, the result revealed that some of the OSJSSPE multiple – choice mathematics items administered in 2015 displayed Differential Item Functioning (DIF) based on the school location of the examinees. It was recommended that teachers, officials of the Examination Department in the Ministry of Education should be trained on item writing by test developers, which will in turn improve the quality of students’ assessment in secondary schools.

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differential item functioning, item biased, joint senior secondary ii promotion examination, latent trait, mathematics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i2.3607


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