Tom Ombui Oyunge


Information, and communication technologies (ICTs) have become rudimentary in communication and information sharing world over. Even more so for teachers because technologies have the potential to transform their practice and help their students learn. This study extends the technology acceptance model to establish how teachers’ pedagogical beliefs (PB) directly or indirectly influence ICT acceptance among secondary school teachers in Kenya. The research instruments were a survey (n = 234) whose quantitative data were analysed drawing on Ajzen’s (1985) technology acceptance model (TAM) to identify the challenges and the perceptions of challenge for teachers in using technology in the classroom. The findings from this study suggest that teacher’s accounts of appreciation and dissonances with the integration of technology in teaching mirrored similar issues in literature. However, the findings also revealed some nuanced shifts on teacher perceptions and attitudes to technology integration. Implications for policy and practice are discussed, and the development of a new teachers’ technology acceptance model is presented. This study fills the gap in the literature regarding knowledge of technology adoption practice from the points of view of teachers.

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information and communication technology (ICT), pedagogical beliefs, secondary school teachers, technology acceptance model, regression analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i3.3639


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