Hasan Ulukan


The purpose of this research examining the relationship between the level of intolerance to uncertainty and health perceptions during distance education university students and explaining whether intolerance to uncertainty predicts perception of health. This study is descriptive research in the relational survey model. The sample group consisted of 276 students, 138 (50%) of whom were female, and 138 (50%) of whom were male, studying distance education in the spring term of 2019-2020. Personal information form prepared by the researchers, the "Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS-12)" and "Perception of Health Scale" were used to collect data. Research data were analyzed using SPSS 25.00 statistical package program. Descriptive statistics, correlation, and statistical regression techniques were used in the analysis of the data. The significance level was determined as .05. As a result of the research, it was determined that the students' intolerance level of uncertainty was at a medium level. Their perception of health was above the medium level. It was observed that there was a low-level negative relationship between the students' intolerance to uncertainty and their perception of health. It has been determined that intolerance to uncertainty is also a low predictor of perception of health.

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Covid 19, uncertainty, intolerance of uncertainty, health, perception of health

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