Berna Urun Karahan


Self-efficacy is an individual's awareness of oneself. In other words, it is to know how much an individual can do about a situation or a skill, briefly knowing oneself. Each individual's self-efficacy, their potential differs in various fields considering individual differences. However, it is seen that self-efficacy is an important concept in an individual's learning process when all these are taken into account. Self-efficacy affecting the learning processes and academic success is also effective on the individual's profession in the future especially when this profession will shape and lead new generations. Therefore, the study was conducted with teacher candidates. The aim of the study was to identify whether there was a relationship between the learning strategies and academic motivation of teacher candidates and their beliefs of self-efficacy in teaching. The study group included the students of the department of Turkish Teaching in Kafkas University. According to the results of the study, it was found that the teacher candidates had good averages regarding their motivation, learning strategies, and self-efficacy beliefs for teaching. While there was no significant difference in terms of gender variable, positive relationships were found between the variables.

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academic motivation, strategies, learning, Turkish teacher candidates

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i4.3692


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