W. Cyrille Ivan Chaffi


The purpose in this study is to investigate the correlation between assessment issues as a predictor of students’ effort and achievement in some Government Secondary Schools in Mfoundi Division-Yaounde. A simple random sample of 201 students and 10 volunteer teachers drawn from four Secondary Schools was used. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis were used to answer the research questions and to test the stated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The reliability of the questionnaire gave an index of Cronbach's Alpha = .952. The data were analysed using content analysis for qualitative data and statistics with SPSS version 21 for quantitative data. In-depth of analysis of data obtained from questionnaire and interview guide focus on the perceptions that respondents have relating to assessment, revealed that there is a strong positive correlation between assessment issues and students’ effort and achievement. Based on the outcomes of the study it was recommended that school authorities to train and recycle teachers on how to assess students, this to guarantee the validity of the content, the reliability of the assessment and to avoid bias against any results.

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assessment quality, assessment practices, assessment validity, assessment reliability

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