Işıl Aktağ, M. Kadir Akbulut, Soner Tuzcuoğlu


The aim of this study is to determine the Social Appearance Anxiety (SAA) and Leisure Time Exercise (LTE) levels of high school students according to school type, gender, sports license and grade levels and to find the correlation between SAA and LTE. 2383 high school students participate the study from 3 different cities. Data were collected using SAAS developed by Hart et al. (2008) was translated into Turkish by Doğan (2010) and LTEQ developed by Godin and Sheppard (1985 and 1997) was translated into Turkish by Lapa et al. (2016). As a result of the analysis, a significant difference was found between high school male and female students in terms of LTE. The research has shown that the SAA and LTE levels of vocational high school students are higher than Science and Anatolian high school students. In addition, 12th grade high school students have the lowest LTE level and the highest SAA level compared to other grades.


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social appearance anxiety, leisure time exercise, high school students

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