The purpose of the study was to investigate measures that are in place to deal with indiscipline among Junior High Schools in Agona Swedru in the Agona West Municipality. The study was a quantitative study underpinned by the positivist paradigm and adopted the descriptive survey design. The study was undertaken in the Agona Swedru township in the Agona West Municipality of Ghana. Selected Junior High school students formed the sample of the study. Purposive sampling and simple random sampling were used to sample 120 students for the study. The questionnaire was employed for data gathering. Data were analyzed descriptively using frequencies and percentages. It emerged from the study that predominant forms of indiscipline behaviours were related to the following; leaving the school grounds, physical aggression, disturbing others, inappropriate use of school material, out-of-seat behaviour such as moving, noncompliance with teacher’s directives. The study revealed that the causes of indiscipline behaviour were school size, home factors, individual factors, family factors, gender and ethnicity, school factors, societal factors, and peer group pressure. The study showed that indiscipline behaviours result in low academic performance, breeds undesirable student behaviour, and dropping-out of school. The study therefore recommends that the Agona educational directorate, the Agona District assembly, the authorities of the selected schools and the various administrative staff should collaborate with the guidance and counselling coordinators to organise programmes focused on the forms of indiscipline exhibited by the students to effectively equip them to deal with the everyday indiscipline behaviours in the school.
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