The article sought to determine perceptions of Colleges of Education tutors on how the current Colleges of Education curriculum equips pre-service teachers to adapt and modify the general school curriculum to accommodate the needs of all children with special educational needs and disabilities for effective inclusive education in Ghana. A descriptive survey design was adopted using a sample of 235 tutors from 13 Colleges of Education in Ghana. The lottery method was used to select four regions out of the sixteen regions of the country and the purposive sampling technique was used to select all the colleges within the four regions, while convenience sampling technique was used to select the actual respondents for the study. Questionnaires with closed ended items were developed for the data collection. It was evident from the study that majority of the tutors believed that the curriculum prepares pre-service teachers to adapt the general school curriculum to accommodate the needs of all children with special educational needs and disabilities in an inclusive classroom. Recommendations were made based on the findings and conclusions were drawn.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Richard Amoako, Isaac Attia, Adam Awini, Raphael Denteh

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