Noor Hanim Rahmat


Many would agree that lecturers have multiple roles. By the nature of what the term “teacher”, “lecturer” or “instructor” means, the basic job description is that of teaching and learning. For many years, the debate of “teaching vs research” has been going on. Lately, lecturers in universities are given the responsibility to initiate collaborations with the industries. This paper reports a review of literature and past studies on the connection between teaching, innovation, research and also industry. The paper ends with a summary of review revealing the multiple roles of the lecturer. The theoretical contribution of this paper is to provide a conceptual model of the multiple roles of the lecturer in the form of quadrants. In order to gain a “whole”, the lecturer has to achieve all FOUR quadrants. It is hoped that this conceptual model paves the way for a more in-depth study of each of the quadrants of the lecturer. 


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lecturers’ role, teaching, innovation, research, industry

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