The unrests witnessed in 2018 reminded Kenyans of past bloody episodes, which, though rare, caused pain, loss and destruction. Several parents are likely to still be struggling to come to terms with the loss and destruction of those events. Unfortunately, despite several studies that have tried to investigate and recommend solutions for these menaces, this is still freshly being experienced in the country. This scenario informed the study with the purpose of investigating the role of school politics in management of unrests in public secondary schools in Kenya. The study was guided by conflict theory and theory of symbolic interactionism, and a descriptive survey design with a target population of the 57 public secondary schools in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. The sample consisted of 194 headteachers, heads of departments and Board of Management members. Stratified random sampling was used to select respondents. The study used a questionnaire and interviews to collect data. The study found that school politics including teachers’ incitement has a significant role in management of unrests in public secondary schools in Taita Taveta County.
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