This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of dream and doodle books in developing children's creative thinking skills. In the study, the case study, which is a qualitative research method, was used. A total of 13 children, 6 girls and 7 boys aged 6-9, were selected through purposive sampling. For three months, a total of thirty-two pages of painting completion activities were held with each child by using dream and doodle books three times a day each week. "The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking" is used as a data collection tool to evaluate the creative thinking skills of children. Content analysis was used as the analysis method. The rate of seeing the Creative Strengths in the posttest (Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Form B) drawings of the children was higher than the pre-test (Torrance Test of Creative Thinking Form A) drawings. When the pre-test and post-test results of Creative Strengths are examined, it is seen that there is the most difference in favor of the post-test in the "Movement and Action and Storytelling Articulateness" aspects. The aspect with the least difference is "Synthesis of Lines and Circles". The dimension that has never been seen in children's drawings has been "Synthesis of Incomplete Figures". It was concluded that Dream and Doodle Books improve children's creative thinking skills. Dream and Doodle books are artistic studies that allow children to express themselves in different ways. In this context, it is recommended that teachers and families include these books in their activities.
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