Hasan Yasin Tol, Selin (Inag) Çenberci, Ayşe Yavuz


The mathematical history plays an important role in becoming interesting of mathematics courses, active participation of the students and the meaningful learning of the mathematical concepts together with the historical processes. For this reason, this study was conducted in order to take teachers’ views with respect to what kind of influences giving examples from the history of mathematics, referring to the historical developments of the subjects will leave on students and how they will affect teaching mathematics. The sample of the research is composed of 20 math teachers working in Konya province. The data were collected during the fall semester of the 2016-2017 academic year. Teachers’ views were taken by asking open-ended questions based on sub-problems involving exploiting the historical development of mathematics in teaching mathematics subjects. The analysis results were examined in detail by using descriptive statistics and content analysis in the findings part. As a result of the research, it is clearly seen that teaching mathematics subjects with their historical developments constitutes a more effective and lasting educational environment. It has been observed that a large majority of the participants support lecturing by using mathematics history but there are substantial deficiencies in practice due to the lack of material with regard to mathematics history, and paying no mind to usefulness of this.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v0i0.380


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