This study employed a sequential explanatory mixed-method design to examine basic school teachers’ classroom assessment conceptions in the Sissala East Municipality in the Upper West Region of Ghana. In particular, the study examined the classroom assessment practices of teachers and their demographic characteristics that influence their assessment practices. Quantitative data gathered from 203 respondents were analyzed using mean, standard deviations, t-test and ANOVA. In the follow-up qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 12 participants and the data subjected to interpretive thematic analysis. The findings revealed that teachers mostly employ traditional assessment methods than alternative assessment tools Furthermore, gender, age, assessment training, teaching experience and class teaching level impacted the teachers’ use of assessment methods. It was recommended among other issues that regular in-service training in assessment be conducted for teachers for them to be up-to-date and also develop their skills and use of appropriate alternative classroom assessment practices.
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