İn the last century we live in, technological developments are advancing faster than ever, and the world is changing irresistibly. With the Covid-19 epidemic, this change has moved to a very different dimension. Especially today, the pandemic conditions of the whole world have increased the importance of distance education by directing education to the digital field. The aim of this study is to examine the views of education faculty students towards distance education. This research, which aims to examine the views of education faculty students on distance education, is a quantitative method and causal comparison model research. The study population of the research consists of İnönü University Faculty of Education students. The sample of the study consisted of 584 participants determined by the random stratified sampling method from the population. While determining the stratum, the gender variable was taken as a basis. The data of the research were collected with the “Distance Education Evaluation Scale”. The obtained data were subjected to independent groups t-test, one-way ANOVA and descriptive statistics tests. According to the research findings, students preferred distance education to face-to-face education. In addition, in terms of the efficiency of the distance education process, it is important to use computers and students to have their own rooms.
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