This study aims to identify effective internationally emerging implementation models in teacher professional development. Several trends in teacher Professional Development are influencing the nature and quality of teacher professional development. The meta-analysis method was used in this study by identifying, collecting, and analysis potential studies to reach the findings. The results show that professional development has the potential to transform the education scene when supported by all industry players. Policy plays a vital role in the success of programs like PD programs. Policies surrounding the government of this model should be carefully structured to guide the PD programs appropriately as well as formulators should be industry players who understand the drivers that affect the education sector and in particular the educators. Good policy choices will mean that the PD stands a chance to be effective. The PD program should be provided with all the necessary resources for it to be effective and to enable smooth running. Educators should be facilitated with the necessary materials they require for the program. Lack of resources means that the PD program will not achieve its intended goals. Resources might be learning resources for the educator, allowances among many others. Extensive collaborations should be done by the sectors that could play a strong role in affecting the education, stakeholders, investors and other parties related in order to reach an agreement on the best model of PD. Additionally, there is a need to determine how best to run the PD programs to be beneficial to the education system.
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