The Principal's Performance Assessment is carried out at the target schools which are the responsibility of the school supervisor. After the Principal's Performance Assessment was carried out at the target schools for the 2019/2020 Academic Year, the results were different from one school to another, even though they were under the same supervision of a supervisor. This is because the management and abilities of each school principal are different. With this Principal Performance Assessment, each school should be able to find a solution or try to display the school's color as best as possible. Based on the results of the assessment every year there must be improvements or improvements in the results achieved. Principal performance appraisal activities are carried out by supervisors at each target school for which they are responsible. When carrying out the assessment, the school supervisor conducts interviews, checks documents in accordance with the statement of each item in the instrument. The school supervisor gives an assessment of each item in the instrument according to the facts found at that time and no longer provides an opportunity for the principal to provide and complete something desired in the statement. Such actions are taken by supervisors, because the physical evidence required by the instrument statement must be carried out by the principal before the assessment takes place, especially since this activity is routine work every year.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rahmi Septia Sari, Silvia Anggreni BP, R. Rusdinal, Nurhizrah Gistituati

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