The thrust of the study was to determine levels of mathematic efficacy among students with dyscalculia in public secondary in Kandara sub-county in Muranga County guided by Expectancy Theory (ET) of motivation developed in 1964 by Victor Vroom. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The population for study was 54 Public secondary schools in Kandara Sub-County, out of the 54 targeted schools 7 public secondary schools were sampled for the study. The target respondents were 7 principals, 7 teachers of mathematics, 1 from each school and 125 students were sampled for dyscalculia screening. Research instruments included: questionnaire for mathematics students with dyscalculia, dyscalculia screening instrument, mathematics self -efficacy scale and documentary analysis. Pilot study was conducted in Gaichanjiru Mixed and Kenyoho Secondary schools in Kandara Sub-County, Murang’a County. The validity of research instruments which were used for this study were first tried in a pilot study which helped in clarification of ambiguities prevalent before data collection while the reliability of the research instruments in this study was determined using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient formula. The study used stratified random sampling and purposive sampling to select the schools, teachers and students with dyscalculia respectively. Data for the main study was collected and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively (Mixed method research). Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 26.0), while qualitative analysis was done by organizing variables into themes. The study reveals that learners without dyscalculia exhibited high self-efficacy in mathematics while those with dyscalculia displayed low self-efficacy in mathematics. The researcher recommends that Students’ mathematics efficacy should be improved by inviting mentors or people who have succeeded in mathematical field to help boost their morale in the subject.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nicholas Matunda Mariera, Margaret Murugami, Jessina Muthee

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