In a rapidly changing era, teachers’ perceptions of the principals’ management of school wide change strategies are crucial. ICT in increasingly being viewed as providing teaching and learning that increases learners’ creative and intellectual resources especially in today’s information society. The success is however dependent on the way principals manage the process of school wide-change. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Teachers’ Perceptions of Principals’ Enhancement of ICT in Teaching and Learning Strategy and Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Nairobi City County. The study fitted within cross-sectional descriptive survey designs with a target population comprising 94 public secondary schools, 94 principals, and 906 teachers. The schools were stratified to categories; national, extra-county, and county schools to ensure equal representation during sampling. Stratified simple random sampling methods were used to select schools, principals and teachers. The sample size comprised 30 principals and 304 teachers. Data was collected using teachers’ questionnaire and a school data form. Data were analysed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The hypothesis was tested at .05 alpha levels using linear regression analysis. It was found that there was a statistically significant association between teachers’ perceptions of principals’ enhancement of ICT in teaching and learning strategy and students’ academic performance (p < .001). It was concluded that principals’ enhancement of ICT in teaching and learning was perceived as a factor influencing students’ academic performance. The study brings to light that information and communication technology positively affects students’ academic achievement and retention and ICT was found more compelling, effective and valuable in teaching when contrasted with other techniques of teaching.
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