Collins Owusu-Fordjour


This study investigated the attitude of Integrated Science Teachers in Senior High Schools and its impact on their instructional practice. The study employed the quantitative research approach adopting the descriptive survey design. The study employed the use of questionnaire and observation checklist to collect data from 138 participants. This attitude towards the subject stems from the perception these respondents have had about the subject for so many years since perception influences one's attitude towards an event. These attitudes also influence their expectations of how their teaching can effectively help students learn which adversely affects their attitude towards the instructional process. It was also realised that persons’ attitude towards instruction affects the demeanour and how the person carries out the instruction. The study therefore concludes that teacher’s competency and positive attitude towards instructional practice could contribute to effective teaching and students’ achievement. Knowledge on the subject matter of the curriculum that the teachers are required to teach influence the teachers’ own perception of the subject that influences their attitude. Integrated Science teaching skills is highly technical therefore; teachers’ personal development training enhances the content knowledge of teachers in Integrated Science as well as classroom management skills should be enhanced as this will go a long way to impact on the teachers’ attitude in the classroom. 


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attitude, instructional practice, teaching, evaluation, learning

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