Canan Aydınbek, Esra Başak Aydınalp


The aim of this study is to analyze efficiency of teaching French with a short film project and to reveal learners' opinion. In this study, case study, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was preferred. This study was conducted with 10 students of Anadolu University, Faculty of Education, French Language Teaching Department. The data is collected through observation and group interview techniques. Macro and micro tasks were assigned in order to develop learners' linguistic and extra linguistic skills during 8-weeks. Furthermore, products such as scenario, banner, short-film etc. have also been analyzed as documented data. Observation and interview notes were coded by two researchers and 92% reliability was achieved; 6 themes and 15 subthemes were thus forged. According to findings, the motivation of the participants increased. Possible reasons for this are the different and fun activities, creating a concrete product and feeling successful. In group work a positive synergy observed among good associates, but learners’ discussion, co-deciding and cooperation skills need to be improved. Participants stated that their creativity, socio–cultural, self-learning and self-assessment skills have developed. In conclusion, project-based learning, supported by action-oriented approach, helps to increase student motivation, creativity, intercultural skills and autonomous learning skills.

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action-oriented approach, French language teaching, short film, project-based learning

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