Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an important public health problem. It refers to a developmental disability and can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. According to the previous studies there is no precisely treatment for individuals with ASD. However, they can be improved and can be taught important skills such as expressing their feelings, overcoming their fears, developing their physical abilities and working and bonding with their peers by especially sport education. Sport education or training was implemented with 10 participants with ASD aged 5,5–29 years. One parent from each family who accompanied ten individuals with ASD during sporting events participated in this study. A standardized open-ended interview method was applied to the parents. Social Skill Interview Questions and Academic Skill Interview Questions were applied to the interviewees. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. The purpose of the current study was to explore the effect of sports training on social and academic skills in individuals with ASD. Sport helped individual with ASD make progress in social skills such as communication, participation in the game, social relations, behavioral problems and waiting in line, body awareness and balance control, interests, following rules and instructions. On the other hand, it did not yield to the ability to transition from activity to activity and it did not contribute to a few individuals with ASD, while it contributed positively to many individuals with ASD, although some had rather slow success. In the academic skills of sports, perception studies supported skills such as preparation for first literacy, sound words and sentences, listening, relations between objects, and rhythmic counting. While it was recognized that sports contributed considerable improvement to some of the individuals in skills such as writing their own names, grammar, natural numbers, operations, and measures, unfortunately it did not help some of them in progress. It was observed that the majority of those who did not progress were younger. Sport training or education did not support to the ability to perform operations using division and calculator. Evidence suggests that sport education has ultimately a positive effect on the social and academic skills of individuals with ASD.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i9.3867
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