Arzu Önel, Şule Fırat Durdukoca


The aim of this study is to examine whether reading habits have any effects on the academic achievement of the biology course of high school students in Turkey. In the research, the relational screening model was preferred from the quantitative research models and the phenomenological approach was preferred from the qualitative research models, so the mixed method was used. The study group consists of 266 students studying in the final year of various high schools and who took biology courses before in the province of Kars in Turkey. Data were collected by the questionnaire form prepared by the researchers. In the questionnaire, the participants were asked 12 questions in total; 4 questions to determine the variables of the type of school, education fields, gender, school report marks, 5 close-ended questions to be thought to be able to determine their reading habits, 2 open-ended questions and 1 metaphor question. Frequency and percentage values were calculated for descriptive analysis of the answers given to the questionnaire items. Chi-square analysis was used to examine the relationship between demographic characteristics and the reading habits of the students, and the content analysis technique was used to analyze metaphors. 


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