The use of drama rehearsals as a tool for inculcating discipline among students had been investigated by a number of scholars and education practitioners on global, continental and regional levels. However notable that drama rehearsals as a tool for inculcating discipline could be overlooked as a result of its demands, such as time. Therefore, purpose of the study was to determine effectiveness of drama rehearsals as a strategy in the management of discipline in secondary schools in central region, Kenya. The study used descriptive survey design. The target population was 79 deputy principals, 79 drama teachers, and 1888 drama students and non-drama students in secondary school in Central Region, Kenya. Both the census technique and random sampling were used to get a representative sample size of 419 respondents. Data was collected from the respondents using pretested questionnaires and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) and then interpreted. The study found that the relationship between drama rehearsals and management of discipline among secondary school students was significant. The study therefore recommended that there was need to for school administrators to facilitate more drama rehearsals in order to improve the levels of discipline among students. This will improve their communication skills and as a result bring more rapport between the students and administrators.
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