Gibson Mwangi, Anne Muiru


The introduction of free and compulsory secondary education popularly known as 100% transition rate has met many schools unprepared. This has led to many principals facing various leadership challenges such as poor state of physical facilities; inadequate learning and teaching resources; inability to repair or provide learning furniture; inadequate trained teachers and high teacher turnover, low teacher student ration, and lack of supporting services. The study sought to examine the influence of principals’ leadership values on the management of transition rate in Kahuro Sub-County, Murang’a County, Kenya. The study was be guided by the System Theory of von Ludwig (1968) and Situation Leadership Theory as explained by Dr. Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard. The researcher used mixed methodology approach and convergent parallel design. The study targeted 505 respondents comprised of 42 principals, 42 deputy principals, 420 BOM members and one Education Officer in the Sub-County. The researcher used purposive sampling method to sample 127 respondents comprised of 42 Principals, 42 Deputy Principals, 42 BOM Chairmen and the one Education Officer. The study used questionnaires for teachers and interview guides for the Principals, BOM Chairmen and Educational officer to collect data. To ensure reliability, validity, dependability and credibility, a pilot study was conducted in 10% sample size in Kigumo Sub-County. Reliability of the instrument was determined through split-half technique where, if the correlation coefficient (r 0.78 was obtained indicating that instrument was reliable. Content validity through supervisors and expert judgment was done to evaluate clearness of the questions in the research tools. Credibility and dependability were demonstrated through an audit trail, examining the documentation of data, methods, decisions and end product. Quantitative data in the questionnaires was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics while qualitative data obtained from interview guides was analyzed using thematic data analysis. Frequency tables, graphs and pie charts and correlation coefficient statistics was used to present the quantitative data. The qualitative data was presented in form of narratives. The study showed that some schools had large classes, beyond the recommended ratio of 40:1. This could be attributed to the introduction of subsidized public secondary education program. The free schooling enabled those who could not afford education to attend school, increasing enrollments in schools. The study concluded that the curriculum could not be implemented effectively, hence low academic achievement among the learners, prequisite for increased indiscipline in schools which will call for principals in schools to improve their leadership values in order to manage the transition effectively.


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principals, leadership values, preparedness, transition

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