Effective organizational sustenance is predicated on employees’ job performance. Ability to have workforce that are suitable for global best practice is contingent on good recruitment, selection and placement strategy of the organization. The study population was the University of Ibadan, teaching and non-teaching staff, male (mean = 26.39, SD = 4.47), female (mean = 26.73, SD = 5.63). The covid-19 pandemic necessitated online questionnaire administration to the participants using Google form. It was found that there was significant relationship between recruitment, selection, placement and employee performance; there was significant joint influence of recruitment, selection and placement on employees’ performance; there was significant independent influence of placement and employee performance, there was no significant independent influence of recruitment and selection on employee performance. University of Ibadan should devise means of ensuring that the most productive workers are recruited, selected for employment and eventually given appointment for placement in the different departments and units within the university. The procedure for selection and placement of the would-be employees should be thorough, objective and devoid of sentiment. Gender consideration for employment into establishment should be discouraged, and the most qualified candidate should be considered ahead of gender or any other factors that might distort merit in the selection process.
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