The implementation of online learning modality in the “New Normal Education” shifted the track of education institutions across the globe from conducting face-to-face classes to holding online-classes. The study presented in this paper aimed to explore students’ attitude towards online-based learning system in the “New Normal” education. Specifically, it investigated the factor structure and the level of attitudes of 200 students towards online-based learning system. This study utilized a mixed method of research utilizing in-depth interview and a dimension reduction technique through Principal Component Analysis. Results revealed that, attitudes toward online-based learning system is multidimensional exploring eight dimensions namely: Engagement, Convenience, Satisfaction, Technology Acceptance, Adaptability, Interaction, Self-Regulation and Control. Moreover, the level of attitudes of students revealed a high level of convenience, technology acceptance, adaptability, interaction, assessment satisfaction, self-regulation and control and a moderate level of student engagement. Thus, the researchers recommend a training proposal for teachers as well as recalibrating the result of the study utilizing Confirmatory Factor Analysis.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i11.3964
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Copyright (c) 2021 Alliesa R. Acuña, Flore Aubrey R. Aman, Princess Dawn D. Apas, Tomas Jr A. Diquito

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