Kumaran Kanapathipillai, Subaneeswasri Narayanan


This study was undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown to scrutinise the mediating role of parental support on the relationship between online learning and student's academic performance. To realise the objectives, the researchers used the quantitative approach to explore this mediating effect. The population of this study was 7.4 million families who are living in the rural areas in Malaysia. Using the simple random sampling method, 650 parents in rural areas were chosen as the participants in this research. For data collection, closed-ended questionnaires were used by the researchers. Out of the 650 questionnaires, 437 were collected, but only 426 could be used as the respondents did not fully complete the rest. The results of this research illuminated that parent's intervention and support are statistically and significantly necessary during their children's online learning sessions to enhance their children's academic performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research can guide academics in public and private education sectors, parents, and the Ministry of Education to focus and upgrade the online learning and teaching methodologies rather than just depending on conventional teaching and learning methodologies. Online learning could be beneficial whenever a catastrophic incident occurs that may disrupt children's education; as such, it would be wise to encourage parents to be always ready for this new way of learning in the new milieu.


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online learning, parent’s support, academic performance, students, rural area

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