Intercultural Communication Competence is essential in creating healthy relations and prevent conflict across numerous cultures. It also emphasizes the essence of accurate and proper information transmission among people. This study aimed to analyze existing literature and derive the perfect formula for learners to develop their Intercultural Communication Competence. A theory on Intercultural Communication Competence was generated using the deductive axiomatic approach. After the analysis and synthesis of related literature and studies, twelve axioms were formulated. From there, four propositions were identified: (1) Intercultural Communication Competence entails cultural actualization; (2) Intercultural Communication Competence calls for a comprehensive curriculum and assessment; (3) Digitalization boosts Intercultural Communication Competence; (4) Upskilled instructors are confident in refining learners’ Intercultural Communication Competence. With these propositions, the Interdependent Theory of Intercultural Communication Competence was generated. This theory highlights the importance of the interdependence among cultural actualization, comprehensive curriculum, digitalization, and upskilled instructors in realizing the full potential of Intercultural Communication Competence of learners.
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