Beytullah Karagöz


The aim of this research is to examine postgraduate theses carried out on digital story in the field of education in Turkey with content and citation analysis. Methodological evaluation and citation analysis techniques were used in the research. In the research, 68 postgraduate theses accessed on the National Thesis Centre of the Council of Higher Education, a search platform, were examined. The findings of the research reveal that the number of theses on digital stories has increased until 2020. Most of the theses were prepared at Gazi University. Postgraduate theses were mainly carried out under the guidance of advisors with the title Associate Professor. The theses on digital stories were mostly prepared in the field of Elementary Education. Mixed approach models were mostly preferred as a method in theses. The sampling of the theses mostly consisted of students at K-12 level. Scale, achievement test, and interview form were used as data collection tools. The data were analyzed mostly using the t-test and content analysis. Digital stories were most frequently prepared by using Photo Story 3 and Movie Maker programs. Digital storytelling applications were mostly used with elementary and secondary school students. “Digital story/ (storytelling) narration/design”, “academic achievement and “attitude” were the most frequently used keywords. The most cited type of source in the theses examined was articles. The most frequently cited source in the theses was the Computer & Education. Among the references to the books, Joe Lambert’s Digital storytelling cookbook and traveling companion is at the top of the list. In addition, the most frequently cited researcher was Bernard R. Robin.


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citation analysis, digital story, content analysis, postgraduate thesis

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