Successful transition from school to the community for learners with intellectual disability is important in laying foundation for independent living. The opportunity to acquire a quality education that would result to successful transition to the community leading to living satisfying and independent life is of great importance to any young person with intellectual disability. The specific objectives of the study were examining the transition curriculum offered to learners with intellectual disability and evaluating the community involvement in the planning for transition of learners with intellectual disability. The study adopted descriptive research design, which utilized both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. Target population was 239 head teachers, 405 special needs education teachers, 1,200 young adults in school, 600 young adult graduates and 199 opinion leaders a total of 2,643 in 9 special schools and 230 special units while the sample size was 278. Respondents comprising head teachers, teachers, young adults with ID and opinion leaders were selected using purposive sampling and simple random sampling techniques. Questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data. The study established that the curriculum offered in most of the special schools and units would prepare learners with intellectual disability to lead an independent life though, a significant proportion disagreed that they were taught how to apply and maintain employment. Availability and retention of teachers, provision of teaching and learning materials and classification of pupils according to ability were identified as major factors hindering full implementation of the curriculum to learners with ID. The study further found out that after learners with ID graduated from special schools/units, most of them went back home and were not engaging in any income generating activity. The main reason being most of them lacked support from the parents and community in terms of availing job opportunities and financial support to start businesses hence hardly leading independent life. The study recommends that; parents and community members be involved in transition planning and be willing to offer transition services as attachments, financial advice, job training and job opportunities; the government through the Ministry of Education needs to employ more trained teachers; create a special class in secondary schools for those of the borderline intellectual capacity; provide policy that the Ministries, NGOs, private sectors among others should employ young adults with ID to promote independent living.
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