This study aimed to examine the curious kids' magazine prepared, published, and sold by TUBITAK, a scientific and technological research institution of Turkey, in terms of the images of scientists it reflects. The data were collected by document analysis method within the scope of qualitative research approach and a total of 80 issues published between 2015-2021 were analyzed. In this process, the data containing text and visuals about scientists were evaluated using Newton and Newton's (1992) classification. It was examined separately by the researchers, taking into account each criterion in the evaluation list, possible differences were also compared. The results revealed that the images of scientists extracted from the magazine have begun to change positively in recent years. Children who follow this magazine can structure predominantly in minds of the scientist as regardless of gender, who dresses comfortably and appropriately for the nature of his work, uses interesting tools and equipment suitable for the nature of his work, although part of it is indoors, it is a person who mostly works outside, works as a team rather than individually, and most importantly, is happy with his work.
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