Coni Richel Mamalias Uriarte, Roxane Quilo Fraile, Tomas Jr Aquino Diquito


As humankind progresses into an age of heavy economic change, motor vehicle ownership rapidly increases, significantly altering Earth's biogeochemical composition, resulting in environmental pollution and loss of ecological stability. Given the need for global action, this study, however, investigated the level of environmental awareness in terms of environmental laws and environmental city ordinances in Digos City, Philippines. A quantitative-descriptive method was utilized in employing the study. A modified self-made questionnaire was administered to 200 tricycle drivers of Digos City, Philippines. Results revealed that older tricycle drivers and those who have long experiences have better awareness on environmental laws and city ordinances compared to young tricycle drivers and those who have shorter experiences as tricycle drivers. Thus, there is still a great need for heavy reinforcement regarding environmental legal frameworks, especially among young tricycle drivers in Digos City, Philippines.


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environmental laws, environmental city ordinances, environmental awareness, tricycle drivers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v8i12.4066


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