Elif Ertem Akbaş, Kübra Alan


Due to the fact that the pandemic process did not occur in a predictable time frame, various difficulties have arisen in the field of education. This is also true in mathematics education, and concretization has been one of the biggest obstacles. This situation paved the way for concept learning errors that may occur in students. There are some basic problems encountered in teaching the subject of slope. In this study, the purpose was to evaluate the concept learning deficiencies encountered in teaching the subject of slope by using real life problems with the help of Geogebra. The study had an action research design based on a qualitative approach. The participants of the study were 13 8th grade students attending a public school in Turkey. As the data collection tool, the activity named Bicycle-Slope, which was prepared by Kavak (2013) and which was available on the website of Geogebra, was used. In addition, 4 sub-questions were directed to the students. Moreover, the data were photographed with a camera, recorded with a voice recorder and analyzed descriptively. At the end of the study, when the responses of the students were observed, it was seen that there was a decrease in most of the concept learning errors that occurred.


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emergency distance education, Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), slope, Geogebra

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i1.4091


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