Filarit Sh. Teregulov


This paper is referred to deep educational science, in which the objective reality is associated with peculiarities of perception, how far the beliefs of scientists, emerging stereotypes and language of science can physically and notionally present the origins and mechanisms of personal becoming. It is very difficult to find other burning question for humanity, on which so many arguments are focused and which forces pedagogical community to change their opinion to the contrary so many times. Within this framework, the life-sustaining activity of people is viewed historically as the outer-inner evolving system in which the philosophical categories of biological and social aspects are considered as the two poles between which the educational sphere is formed. The main idea of this study is sociogenetic approach which makes it possible to consider that the life-sustaining activity of people is a compromise solution, which can be found by multiple considerations and manifesting as vast variety. The article gives the grounds for the educational activity, including the initial setting of social channels and then circulation through them among specimens of different information modalities, establishes life-time formation of Intelligence and Personality of newly born specimens of the humanity. Studying Materials are valuable for both methodologists-theoreticians and technologists of education.


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biological and social, external and internal, social agreements and «dormitory» rules, consciousness and intelligence, social codes and data circulation channels


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