Nikolaos Manesis, Anna Nikolakaki, Marilena Georganta, Elisavet Vlachou


Lev Vygotsky's theory states that individuals' development is a result of socializing. Individuals are influenced by other individuals in the social environment. In this way, individuals’ internal cognitive functions are formed. At the same time, they create a social status and gradually build their personal appreciation for the world and the social reality around them. In this learning process, the active participation of a student himself/herself is necessary, while teachers’ role is also important. Teachers contribute to knowledge's acquisition of knowledge by students. They encourage their students, while knowing the students’ needs and abilities, and using the declining support method within a group of peers. In this study, action research was used as a form of self-reflective inquiry, known for its distinguished and liberating character. Teachers who participated studied and tried to understand their social or educational practices, to improve them. On the other hand, the critical friend and teachers’ facilitator contributed to this process of intertwining research with action and theory with practice. This study used action research and Vygotsky’s theory on the organization and function of a school film club. Using active learning strategies, elementary school students of the 5th & 6th grades, discussed, shared emotions and creatively wrote. Τhey developed their social, cultural and linguistic abilities. Also, relationships within the school community were developed. 


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Vygotsky, active learning strategies, action research, film club, primary education

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