This study aimed to examine the academicians’ perceptions regarding supervisor support, co-worker support and life satisfaction. In the study, a survey method in a quantitative research approach was adopted. The study was carried out with the target population, which consists of 778 academicians. Consequently, a total of 317 academicians participated voluntarily. To analyze the data correlation, Kruskal Wallis H Test and Mann Whitney U Test were computed. The results of the study revealed that life satisfaction of academicians displayed no significant difference regarding gender; on the other hand, there were statistically significant differences based on professional seniority and marital status. In addition, academicians’ perceived co-worker support did not differ depending on gender and marital status while it demonstrated significant differences in relation to length of service. Moreover, academicians’ perceived supervisor support showed no significant difference in terms of gender, length of service and marital status. The results of the study also indicated that there were statistically significant positive relationships between life satisfaction and perceived co-worker support, supervisor support.
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