In the context of lifelong learning, non-formal education programs are increasingly gaining ground, as they both address weaknesses in the formal education system and help learners respond to new demands that arise in the course of their lives. The present study investigates, through a qualitative approach, the participation of 97 students of the Department of Early Childhood Education (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) in non-formal adult education programs. Our findings indicate that all students do participate in non-formal education programs, selecting the programs mainly related to education that will complement and facilitate their university studies, as well as enhance their formal and substantive qualifications as early childhood educators. In addition, they participate in programs to make creative use of their leisure time, to create and develop their social networks, but also for the joy of learning something new. Regarding the importance of the learning outcomes they acquire, students focus mainly on attitudes and skills, making it clear that in addition to instrumental knowledge, they also anticipate the acquisition of communicative and emancipatory knowledge.
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