Md. Solaiman Jony


A significant number of private university students are placed on academic probation, especially in their first year and many of them hardly succeed in their future academic careers. Students on academic probation are more probable to face numerous academic difficulties, are unfortunately more likely to drop out of the university. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the students who end up on academic probation and the reasons of academic probation. Hence, this study was conducted to determine the reasons of academic probation among the students at a private university in Bangladesh. A semi-structured questionnaire was designed to categorize different reasons of academic probation like various academic concerns, personal concerns, study practices, preferences in learning techniques and learning materials etc. In the study, responses from a total number of 344 probation students from different semesters were collected. The results of this study revealed poor study habits and lack of seriousness in studies; weak writing and presentation skills; difficulty in understanding the English language; previous weak academic background; difficulty with test/ exam taking; wrong course or study subject selection; poor interaction with teachers; unfamiliar with grading system; irregular in class attendance and lack of academic goal setting; health problems; family problem; residential issues, too much involvement with unimportant and unnecessary activities, lack of self-motivation are the identified accusable reasons by the probation students. The findings may help the university authority to design and administer the required academic and non-academic support programs for the probation students to retain the number of dropout students.


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academic probation, reasons of academic probation, private university education in Bangladesh

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i2.4177


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