In the present study we try to highlight prospective mathematics teachers’ ability to identify mistakes of sixth grade students related to angle concept. And also an examination of prospective mathematics teachers conceptions of angle. Study was carried out with 30 sixth-grade students and 38 prospective mathematics teachers. Sixth grade students required to define the concept of angle with their own statements and describe what it brought to their minds by writing their responses on a paper. Students written responses were examined by the researchers and students’ mistakes in their definitions were determined. A data collection form that included students’ definitions of angle (correct, partly correct, incorrect) was obtained. Prospective teachers were required to define the concept of angle with their own statements and evaluate whether sixth grade students’ responses were correct by explaining the reasons in written form. The data obtained from written forms of prospective teachers were analysed through the descriptive analysis technique. Candidate's' comments they have made in response to each student are coded. The results of the research show that prospective mathematics teachers didn’t have problems in determining students' definitions of angle as correct, incorrect or partially correct. But they have problems about expressing the students’ failures and to clearly identifying the mistakes in the incorrect definitions of students. Additionally, almost all of the candidates have made only the static definition of the angle concept.
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