Ebru Burcu Çimili Gök, Serdar Özçetin


Total Quality Management is to move the organization to a high-quality level in cooperation with the personnel and managers working in the institution, to develop products or services with the perception of continuous improvement, to reach highly competitive power and to ensure that the institution reaches its goals. The aim of this study is to reveal university students' views on the benefits and applicability of total quality management practices in educational institutions. In the study, it was aimed to present an in-depth view with the case study design, which is one of the qualitative research methods. The working group of the research consists of 15 students studying at Akdeniz University, Faculty of Sport Sciences in the 2019-2020 academic year. A purposeful sampling method was used to reach the volunteers who were thought to be helpful in exploring and explaining the facts and events by conveying their thoughts in detail. A semi-structured interview form was prepared in order to deeply examine and understand university students' views on the benefits of total quality management practices and their applicability in educational institutions and to reveal their experiences and feelings. Individual interviews were completed within three weeks and each took an average of 15-20 minutes. Data obtained from individual interviews were deciphered and transferred to NVIVO 12.0 Qualitative Data Analysis package program, and data analysis was completed. Some important results of the research; Participating students stated that total quality management practices in educational organizations are mostly unsuccessful. The most mentioned reason for this is the replacement of the planned applications before the results are obtained. According to the participants, the PDCA Cycle and the Kaizen method were mentioned as the most appropriate total quality method for educational institutions.


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total quality management; administration; education management; quality in education

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