Muhammed Hüseyin Özer, Nilgün Dağ


This study analyzes the conceptual metaphors of primary school teacher candidates’ perceptions of “saving”. In the study, which was carried out according to the qualitative research methodology, the forms, frequencies and functions of 93 metaphorical usages related to saving were shown. In the study carried out using the qualitative research method, a basic qualitative research pattern was used and qualitative data were obtained through metaphors. The participants of the research, 205 primary education teachers participated in in-service training courses/seminars in the central Tarsus, Akdeniz, Yenişehir and Mezitli districts of Mersin province and Tarsus, Erdemli and Silifke districts, in the 2018-2019 academic year. The convenience sampling method was preferred in determining the study group of the research. The data of the research were collected through an opinion form, which was created by using structured pattern questions. Pattern questions used in this form are expressed as “Saving is …; because it is ...” and “When I think of saving, the first word that comes to mind is …” and “When I think of saving, the first person that comes to mind is …”. Content analysis technique was used in the analysis and interpretation of the data. The results showed that 93 different metaphors related to the concept of “saving” were produced by 205 primary education teachers participating in the research and the most mentioned metaphors were “future”, “water” and “life”. Primary education teachers stated 68 kinds of metaphors related to the first word that came to their minds about the concept of “savings” and the metaphors they mentioned the most were “Money”, “accumulation” and “thrift”. Regarding the first person that comes to mind about the concept of “saving”, it was seen that the primary education teachers stated 23 types of metaphors, and the metaphors they stated the most were “mother”, “father” and “wife”.


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metaphor, primary education, saving

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejes.v9i3.4200


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